Unlock your Potential
Full Body Scan
Service Description
Unlock your Potential Full body scan, clearing and healing. Money Blocks Accepting Love Self-Worth Fear of Failure Fear of Success This lets you relax and unwind as I scan through all aspects of your being, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual to see where you have trauma, hurt, pain, rips or tears in your aura etc. that are buried in your energy that you have not recovered from or worked through. Explaining where the issues are, why you have them, when you got them and why they now and can be affecting your physical body because of it. Then you will receive healing to recover and mend from those issues. It's a beautiful insight as to what you are carrying with you from the past that is actually holding you back from being a better version of you. These sessions are one hour and all you have to do is put your feet up and relax while I do all the work for you in removing and healing the issues. It's a very enlightening service and especially beneficial if you have physical issues which prevent you from enjoying complete mobility etc. in your life on a daily basis Remember, changing your mindset is a journey, and it's okay to take it one step at a time.
Cancellation Policy
No refund policy but you can reschedule one time only
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